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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Weekend baking challenge

With my final day at the hospital looming, I turned my attention this evening to the important matter of cakes.  Obviously taking in cakes on my final week is mandatory, the only question is whether to do a spot of homebaking or just buy a load to take in.

If you've read my last couple of blog posts you'll know that I'm not entirely enamoured with work at the moment.  It's completely doing my head in, as are many of the people there, and so the idea of slaving for hours to make cakes for 50+ people seems a lot of uneccessary effort.  On the other hand, I do enjoy baking, and purely from an ego-stroking point of view it'd be nice to dazzle them with some homemde cakes as I leave that place forever.

So this evening I sat down with my Martha Stewart Cupcakes book and picked out 3 recipes, which should be enough to make 50 cakes.  I say 50, but this book always underestimates, so I expect the actual number to be around the 70 mark.  I've selected 3 recipes:  Marble cupcakes (a swirl of chocolate and vanilla), Citrus cupcakes (lime, lemon and orange in the cake, with a topping of lime frosting), and Blueberry cornmeal cupcakes.  They're 3 recipes I've never tried before (which is all the more fun!) and the do look absolutely delicious.  However, I have now compiled together a combined ingredients list for them all, and ye gods!  Not only are these going to take hours to make, but they're going to cost me a small fortune to buy the ingredients for!  Adding onto that the fact that I'll have to catch the bus into work because all of those cakes will never fit on my scooter, and it's becoming quite the colossal task.  I mean even if I was completely devoted to this job, it'd be a lot to do, but in my current mindset I'm not entirely sure I'm up to the challenge.

Stay tuned, and in a few days there'll be either a tale of triumph, or a trip to the supermarket to buy a few boxes of Mr Kipling cakes!

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