I was just uploading my latest zombie photo to Twitter, and when I went to select it from my zombie photo folder I suddenly felt inspired to make another post. When I went to the audition last year I'd never even been in zombie makeup before, so here's a nice little selection of how my zombie look has changed throughout the last 11 months! Some of these are simply down to how the studio in question wanted their zombies to look on the day, and some are developments in my own zombifying skills.
June 2012: Wish.co.uk's Zombie Audition
The place it all began! On this occasion the makeup was kindly done on-site by one of the other auditionees.
January 2013: Warm Bodies photocall
My first paid zombie job, and as such the moment I was able to call myself a professional zombie! Makeup done by myself, and one of my earliest attempts (my first ever attempt was 5 days earlier).
February 2013: Makeup test
Not for any event in particular, just a makeup test to try out new techniques.
March 2013: Zombie Bootcamp
My first TV appearence (yet to air), being filmed for a documentary at Ram Training's Zombie Bootcamp. Makeup done by on-site artists.
March 2013: Birmingham Memorabilia/Comic Con
Just a nice casual event, dressing up as a zombified version of Arthur Dent for Birmingham Comic Con. Makeup and costume all self-done.
April 2013: Whitchapel
Zombied up for ITV's Whitechapel. Makeup done by on-site artists, and clothes provided by me but zombified by the costume department.
May 2013: giffgaff advert
Something I can't wait to see on air - the giffgaff advert directed by Matthias Hoene (Cockneys vs Zombies). The skin tone, eye-shadowing, head wound and nose blood were all done by me, and the veins added by the on-site makeup team. The costume was a shameless recycling of my Whitechapel outfit!
May 2013: Zombie Weekend promotional video
My very latest (from today, in fact) zombie look. This was for the promotional video for Silent Studios' upcoming Zombie Weekend in August. Again I provided my own clothes to be slashed/bloodied up there, and on this occasion the makeup/prosthetic was done entirely by my good friend Justin (one of Silent Studios' makeup artists). He let me keep the face piece afterwards, so I look forward to getting more use out of it in the future!