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Saturday, 11 May 2013

Interview with... well... me!

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last year, or (far more likely) haven't read my blog or met me in passing, then you must all know by now that I'm a semi-professional zombie when the opportunity arises.  All of this has stemmed from a zombie audition (later given the catchier monicker of Britain's Next Top Zombie) set up by the folks at, in which I was somehow lucky enough to triumph.
A couple of weeks ago they asked me to do a brief interview about winning BNTZ and how my life's changed since then, and seeing as I get on with these guys so well and owe my entire undead career to them, there was no way I'd ever refuse.
Now the interview's been published on their blog, so here's the link to the inside scoop on my zombie life...

Interstingly that post contains a link to my blog... which obviously contains a link to their blog... which contains a link back to mine... thus creating some sort of infinite blog loop which may well destroy the entire universe.  It's a price I'm willing to pay though.

...maybe that's how the zombie apocalypse begins.

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