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Sunday, 13 February 2011

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!


Well it's been a week since the big Dodgeball event and my legs have finally stopped aching, so I think it's about time to blog about it :)
So yes, last Sunday I went down to London courtesy of Cadbury's, and spent most of the day playing Dodgeball with four olympic athletes - Kriss Akabussi, Rebecca Adlington, Amy Williams, and Phillips Idowu.  The massive downside at the start of the day was that I had to be at the sports club in Wimbledon by 10.30 in the morning, and the trains to London didn't run that early, so I had to get up at 4.30 to catch a coach instead.  But anyway, I got to London in good time, had a bagel for breakfast, and then made my way to the sports centre.

At the centre everyone was split into 4 teams, with one of the olympians captaining each team - I was on Kriss Akabussi's team.  This was all part of Cadbury's ongoing Spots v Stripes campaign, so there were 2 spot teams and 2 stripe teams - I was naturally showing off my stripey pride lol  Rebecca Adlington captained the other stripe team.  So after changing into our team kits it was time to start Dodgeballing! :) 

There were some guys there from the UKDBA - the UK Dodgeball Association - to teach us the basics and referee the games, so we all sat down for a training video to see how the game is played.

Sorry, my keyboard's really playing up, I'll
 have to post a second blog another time

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