Just a quick blog entry this evening. It's been a rough couple of days settling into my new job. Today again there was no lunch break and no drink breaks, so by the time I got out of work my brain was feeling well and truly frazzled and I was physically exhausted. But Friday Night Magic only comes around once a week, so I didn't want to miss out. I wish there was somewhere nearer to Lichfield that did a FNM, but as it currently stands I have to make the 20 mile ride into Birmingham to play. As you can imagine, by the time I was there and ready to play, I wasn't in the most tactical frame of mind!
Anyways, this week the Elves had earned a rest from having their asses kicked, and I decided to try out my blue Illusions/Artifacts deck. It hasn't really been tested, but I've had it for a few weeks now and thought it was time to give it a baptism of fire. It actually started very well, winning in the first round, but then it lost the next 3 rounds and then just about scraped a victory in the final round. It was interesting to try out a different play style, but I'm looking forward to returning to normal next week. Although I'm actually unsure of what too run next Friday. My Elves have a new secret weapon which I'm dying to try out, but at the same time I'm also eager to give my newly made vampire deck a try to see how it plays. The most likely outcome will be Elves next Friday, and then Vampires the weekend after :) I'll probably post a deck list for my new and (hopefully) improved Elves at some point this week. In the meantime, here is the full breakdown of this week's result.
Round 1: Won 2-1 vs Green & White
Round 2: Lost 2-0 vs Artifacts
Round 3: Lost 2-0 vs White Humans
Round 4: Lost 2-1 vs Black & Red Burn
Round 5: Won 2-1 vs White Tokens
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